Betta Splendens Characteristics

When you're in somebody's office or house, and you see a small aquarium with one little fish inside, you might to ask the owner this typical question, "what kind of fish is this?" and the owner might reply, "well it's... I dunno, I just find it beautiful, so I bought it. It's a something fish that fights."

What he refer to is Siamese Fighting Fish! You will find a lot of beautiful fish in your life, and one of them is Bettas. Betta Splendes have unique characteristics:

  • long-shaped body with primary or even hue-distorted color, like green, red, crimson, blue, navy blue, light yellow, grey, white, etc.
  • Wide dorsal fin (it's on its back), all the way to its tail, decorated with colorful lines.
  • Rounded tail usually has the same color as its body.
  • Its neck is like wearing a tie has a wedding gown-like fin on its belly.
Female Bettas usually are smaller than the male ones. The size of the male Bettas ranged from 5 to 9 cm.

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