Some Facts on Betta Fish

  • Betta Splendens are commonly known as Siamese fighting fish, or Cupang, or Plakad (Plakat).
  • Their natural habitat is Sawah (rice paddies) in Thailand, and from there they travel to other countries in South East Asia.
  • Betta fish do not live in rice paddies all the time. They can also be found in 3 feet deep water.
  • Siamese fighting fish are anabantoids, meaning they can breathe air from the surface of the water.
  • Betta Splendens should be kept in water of 24-27 degrees celcius. Any other degree will make betta fish sick, and die.
  • Siamese fighting fish do not like strong water currents. They will get stress if you put them in the water that has currents, especially strong ones.
  • Bettas have delicate tails - so ensure that no sharp decorations are in the tank.
  • As in their names (Fighting Fish), males must NOT be kept together - they will fight.
  • Bettas can grow to around 3 inches in length, and get reasonably fat. If we have a giant betta, we will post it here.